Tuesday 14 August 2007

Is this just an OMG concept website or what?

Have you seen lulu.com?

Here's how it works
  1. You write a book's-worth of something
  2. You go to lulu.com and upload it
  3. It converts it into a .pdf file and asks you whether you want hardback or paperback etc. You choose/make a cover design
  4. You are now a published author - you can order one copy or 5,000!
I was speechless once I'd been taken through the concept.
My next thought was to pay $15 a time for a book shelf of empty books with my name and photo on the back cover just to try and impress the pants off people.

So no longer do you have to try and convince an editor of the merits of your dissertation on Peruvian Tree Slugs - just go forth and be published! Now the more astute will also see a warning sign starting to flicker on and off. Yes, you have now dispensed with the services of an Editor - those difficult people that actually help turn your book into something other people might find worth reading. They also ensure it has been properly proof read by someone other than Bill Gates III.

That aside I still love the concept and it also covers music CD's and DVD's too.

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