Tuesday, 17 July 2007

What's with all the flying terminology?

If you have read my previous posts on the new niche allocation of project management skills, you would have already heard me talk about "Take-off" and "Landing" Pilots, as well as "Inflight Attendants".
Well having just returned from two weeks vacation in (not so) sunny Brittany, I have coined myself another aeronautical term...

I'm having an "Off The Radar" day.

I knew that there would be an inevitable backlog of 'Things' waiting for me to read and action or delete upon my return; an unfortunate product of the Information Age (see four hour work week). I also knew that when I got back, for a day at least, I could stay incognito as people would be thinking I was managing someone else's project. I even went to Lifehacker and had a look at some of their tips for time management and increasing your productivity.
So I decided to stay Off The Radar (OTR) for a day or so and catch up on all this 'stuff'.
How liberating!
I actually sat down and read all those emails that had been skimmed over and sorted out (a) what was really important, (b) which ones were time sensitive and no longer relevant [were they actually relevant in the first place?], and (c) which ones looked good in my trash can. By 3pm I had 250 emails in my trash can, with about 12 emails that actually needed my time. By the time I logged off, I had a couple I was actually looking forward to completing the next day.
I even looked at my professional development and training programme and put a few webinars in my diary that I was always letting pass me by.

I seriously recommend the merits of an OTR day to allow yourself time to catch up on all that personal admin that always takes second place to project work.

So nows it off to fly my next sortie... umm I mean project.

Tally Ho!

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